We’re excited to know that there is a new NatureKids BC club in Merritt. NatureKids BC (formerly known as Young Naturalists Clubs) was established by BC Nature, but is now a separate society, running more than 40 clubs for kids across the province. NatureKids BC gets children outdoors to explore, play, learn about and take action for nature. Clubs are run by local volunteers and aimed at children ages 5-12 and their families. The vision of NatureKids BC is that children develop a love of nature, a lifelong connection to the natural world, and have the environmental literacy and skills to take action for nature. For more information go to their website: NatureKids BC
BC Nature and it’s federated clubs, like the Nicola Naturalist Society, still plays a major role in supporting NatureKids BC, and most of the mentors who take the kids on outings are from BC Nature clubs.
The new Merritt NatureKids club is being run by Crystal Wallace and Roxanne Wallace. If you are interested in enrolling a child or family please e-mail: merritt@naturekids.bc Membership is $25 per family per year.
The new club recently had its first field outing – led by Nicola Naturalist Society member Tom Willms, the group went birding up the Nicola Valley.

Members of the new Merritt NatureKids BC club on their first outing – birding in the Nicola Valley in early April. Photo courtesy Crystal Wallace.
The Nicola Naturalists look forward to working closely with the new club and providing mentors to help build up a love of nature in these youngsters.