Category Archives: Features

Featured articles or photographs.

Nicola Naturalist Society – Fall events 2024

Evening meetings of the Nicola Naturalist Society are held once a month from September through May. We generally meet at 7PM on the third Thursday of the month in the Lecture Theatre of NVIT (Nicola Valley Institute of Technology) on … Continue reading

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Sandhill Crane surveys – 2024

In 2024 our club undertook a greatly expanded series of surveys for Sandhill Cranes in the southern portion of the Douglas Lake Plateau. Thousands of cranes stop over in this area on their northward spring migration and the importance of … Continue reading

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Nicola Naturalist Society – Spring Events 2024

Evening meetings of the Nicola Naturalist Society are held once a month from September through May. We generally meet at 7PM on the third Thursday of the month in the Lecture Theatre of NVIT (Nicola Valley Institute of Technology) on … Continue reading

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Snow Bunting Shiver – Feb 2024

The Nicola Naturalist Society held our traditional winter Snow Bunting Shiver outing on Sunday Feb 18th, 2024. Eleven members ventured up to the Douglas Lake Plateau in search of winter specialties – and maybe even Snow Buntings. The weather was … Continue reading

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Merritt Christmas Bird Count 2023

The 25th Merritt Christmas Bird Count was held in unusually mild weather (thanks to El Niño) on 16 December 2023. We had 27 participants in the field (an increase from our pandemic low numbers) and three feeder-watchers. On count day … Continue reading

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Coutlee Bioblitz – 17 May 2023

The Nicola Naturalist Society ran our first bioblitz at a property in Coutlee, just outside Merritt, on 17 May 2023. The owner is planning to re-wild much of this property which is currently mainly horse-pasture. So this bioblitz (and others … Continue reading

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Sandhill Crane surveys 2023

The Nicola Naturalist Society and the Kamloops Naturalist Club are the joint custodians of the Douglas Lake Plateau IBA (Important Bird & Biodiversity Area), which is the largest in British Columbia. The IBA was established primarily because of its importance … Continue reading

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Merritt Christmas Bird Count 2022

Well, a picture is worth a thousand words ……. For most of the day on 17th December our field groups experienced the conditions this heron was tolerating – heavy snowfall and -8C temperatures with some wind. Getting useful photographs was … Continue reading

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Nicola Naturalist Society – Fall, Winter & Spring events 2022-23

Evening meetings of the Nicola Naturalist Society are held once a month from September through May. We generally meet at 7PM on the third Thursday of the month in the Lecture Theatre of NVIT (Nicola Valley Institute of Technology) on … Continue reading

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Sandhill Crane outing – 17 April 2022

Sixteen participants came out to today’s Sandhill Crane outing, including some guests from the Central Okanagan Naturalists Club. The weather was cool in the early hours with a mix of sun and cloud. A good day was had by all, … Continue reading

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